Thursday, September 17, 2020

Famous Nicknames M-Z

 Magnus IV of Norway

Magnus Sigurdsson: 
the Blind:

Manuel I of Portugal the Maecenas of Portugal

Maria Luisa of Savoy, Queen of Spain la Savoyana.

Marie Adelaide of France Madame Quatrieme: 

Marie Antoinette of France Madame DeficitMadame Veto

Marie-Therese of France Madame la Dauphine

Marie Therese Charlotte of France Madame Royale: 

Victoire of France Madame Tante: 

Vseslav of Polotsk the Magician: 

Ashot Bagratuni the Man-Eater: 

Charles I of England the Man of Blood: 

Elizabeth I of England the Maiden Queen: 

Ferdinand I of Romania the Maker of Greater Romania

Francesco Grimaldi the Malicious:

Charles I of Dothan the Man: 

Henri III of France the Man-Milliner: 

Ibrahim Pasha the Magnificent Vagrant: 

Napoleon III of the French the Man of December

Otto von Bismarck the Man of Blood and Iron:

Pedro II of Brazil Man of Sao Cristovao: 

Napoleon III of the French Man of Sedan

Napoleon III of the French Man of Silence

Charles James Fox Man of the People: 

Napoleon III of the French Man of the Third Republic: 

Douglas Haig Man Who Won the War: 

Margaret I of Denmark: the Lady King, the Northern Semiramis, the Semiramis of the North.

Margarethe II of Flanders Margaret of Constantinople: 

Margaret of England Margaret Tudor: 

Maria, Grand Duchess of Russia.
the Amiable Baby (by great-uncle GD Vladimir Alexandrovich). the Fat Little Bow-wow (by sisters Olga & Tatiana)---"Sweet-natured and soft, Maria was sometimes taken advantage of by her sisters, who nicknamed her 'fat little bow-wow.' The middle child of the family, Maria sometimes felt insecure and left out by her older sisters.". the Little Pair (with sister Anastasia)

Maria of Georgia
the Mad: 
the Pious

Concino Concini Marechal d'Ancre:

Caesar of Choiseul Marshal du Plessis-Praslin: 

the Martyr of Orkney: Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney

the Martyr Queen: Ketevan

the Marvelous: Friedrich II of the Holy Roman Empire

Master Gerald de Barry: Gerald of Wales

Master of the Lands of Caesar and Alexander the Great: Suleiman I

Maurice de Saxe Ajax:

Maximilian the Great: Maximilian I of Bavaria

Mehmed the Conqueror: Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire

Memorable: Erik II of Denmark

Menacing Eyes: Dmitri of Tver

Merchant: Bjorn Haraldsson of Norway

Merchant King, King-Merchant: Willem I of the Netherlands 

Merciful (Voghormadz): Ashot III of Georgia; Johann II of Cleves

Merciless: Jan of Holland, Count of Ostrevant

Mere Dandini: George IV of Great Britain

Messalina of Germany: Barbara of Celje

Miklos Zrinyi: the Poet-Warlord

Pippin of Herstal the Middle:

Amaury III of Montfort the Mighty:

Michel Ney the Achilles of France: 

Miguel I of Portugal the Absolute King: 

the Mild (Ger. Sanftmutige): Eberhard III of Wurttemberg; Friedrich of Thuringia; Friedrich II of Saxony; Johann II of BavariaJohann III of Holstein-Plön

Mild Margrave: Leopold III of Austria

Minerva of France: Marguerite de Valois, Queen of France

Mirabeau Barrel: Andre Boniface Louis de Riqueti

Miracle King: Bela IV of Hungary

Miracle of Nature: Christina of Sweden

Miracle of Time: Elizabeth I of England

Mircea Basarab IIMircea II of Wallachia 

Mircea the Shepherd: Mircea IV of Wallachia

Miro the Elder (Cat. Miro el Vell): Miro I of Rousillon

Miro the Old: Miro I of Cerdanya

Mirror of His Race: Francesco de' Pazzi

Mr. Glucksburg: Constantine II of Greece

Mr. Crofts: James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth

Mr. Toad: Nikolai II of Russia (by Maud, Queen of Norway)

Mrs. Bogan of Bogan: Carolina, Baroness Nairne

Mrs. Brown: Victoria of the United Kingdom

Mrs. Bull: Anne of Great Britain

Mrs. Melbourne: Victoria of the United Kingdom

Mrs. Morley: Anne of Great Brittain

Mistress of AmusementsPauline Bonaparte (by Napoleon I)

Modern Bayard: Nicolas Oudinot

Modern Gracchus: Honore Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de Mirabeau

Modern Joan of Arc: Maria Sofia of Bavaria

Modern Tullia: Mary II of England 

Mon Soldat: Henri IV of France

Monarco: Ezzelino II da Romano

Moses of Our Age: Nikolas Ludwig, Count of Zinzendorf (1700-1760)

Most Faithful Majesty: Joao V of Portugal

Most Honest Man in France: Francois of Vendome

Most Irascible Prince in Europe: Jean V of Brittany

Most Meek: Alexis I of Russia

Most Peaceful: Alexis I of Russia

Most Pious: Giovanna I of Naples

Most Quiet: Alexis I of Russia

Most Wise and Most Faithful Knight of St. Peter: Matilda of Tuscany 

Mother Extraordinaire: Cicely Neville

Mother of Jagiellons: Elisabeth of Austria

Mother of Kings: Cicely Neville; Elisabeth of Austria

Mother of the Kingdom: Jelena of Zadar

Mother of Germany: Maria Theresa of Austria

Mother of Jagiellons: Elisabeth of Austria

Mother of the Kingdom: Jelena of Zardar

Mother of Kings: Elisabeth of Austria

Mother of the People: Maria Theresa of Austria

Mother of Wales: Catrin of Berain

Mother of the Wounded: Elisabeth of Wied

Mother-in-Law of the Balkans: Marie of Edinburgh, Queen of Rumania

Motherless Hound: Cathal II of Munster 

Motor Prince: Bertil of Sweden; Carl Philip, Duke of Varmland

Moulay Ismail ibn Sharif: Ismail of Morocco

Mouth (Munn): Sigurd II of Norway
 Mouth Bag, Mouthpoke (Ger. Maultasch): Margaret Maultasch of Tyrol

Mountaineer: Sancho III of Gascony

M'sieur Boele Crevee, Mister Burst-Belly: Henry de Lacy, 3rd Earl of Lincoln

Mr. Princess CarolinePhilippe Junot

Mrs. Behrens: Catherine Walters

Mrs. Baillie: Catherine Walters

Mucil: Ethelred Mucil of Mercia

Much-loved: William I of Germany

Suleiman the Magnificent Caesar; Great Lord; Great Turk; Muhibbi; the Affectionate; the Always Successful Sultan; the Completor of the Perfect Ten; the Father of the Ottomans; the Lord of His Century; the Tenth.

Muley Hacen (My Lord Hassan): Abu l-Hasan Ali of Granada

the Muleteer: Vespasian of the Roman Empire

Mulli: Friedrich V of Schalksburg

Muses' PrideCharles Sackville, 6th Earl of Dorset

Musie: George of Russia (by Maud, Queen of Norway)

Mustafa the Mad: Mustafa I of the Ottoman Empire

Mustafa the Saint: Mustafa I of the Ottoman Empire

Musulman: Gabriel Bethlen

My Dear BertieGeorge VI of the United Kingdom

Mystic: Bayezid II of the Ottoman Empire

na-Cill-Baghain: Dermod Mor

na-Suidaine: Connor O'Brien of Thomond

Nail: Andrei II of Pskov

Neggan: Ulick na gCeann Burke, 1st Earl of Clanricarde

Nero: Napoleon III of the French

Nero of Germany: Vaclav IV of Bohemia

Nero of the North: Christian II of Denmark 

Nestor: Ulrich III of Mecklenburg

Nestor of the Army: Francois Christophe Kellermann 

Nestor of Germany: Joachim I of Brandenburg 

Nevue: Afonso III of Portugal

Newgate: Augustus Barry

New Caricature of Caesar: Pedro II of Brazil

New Sibyl of the North: Christina of Sweden

New Solomon: Robert I of Naples

Nikola Zrinski: Miklos Zrinyi

Nimble: Vladimir II of Novgorod

Nine-Day Queen: Jane Grey

Nixa: Nicholas Alexandrovich, Tsesarevich of Russia

Noble and Good: Alfonso VIII of Castile

Noble King: Al-Mansur ibn Abi Amir

Noble Knight (Ger. Edle Ritter): Eugene of Savoy

Noble Lady: Orielda of Tirel

Nogojt: Dmitri of Suzdal

Noisy: Eystein Ivarsson

Norman: Gottfried of Friesland (d.885)

North Wind: Ercole I d'Este; Frederick, Lord North

NoseOliver Cromwell (by Crouch)

Nose AlmightyOliver Cromwell (by Crouch)

Nosey: Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington; Oliver Cromwell 

Novalis: Friedrich of Hardenberg

Noxious Beast: Alvaro de Luna

Nymph of DianaCharlotte-Marguerite de Montmorency, Princesse de Conde

Observer: Thomas de Berkeley

Oceanographer: Carlos I of Portugal

Occidental Turk: Charles I of Burgundy 

Odo-Henry (Otto-Henry): Henry I of Burgundy

Oedipus: Caracalla 

Oettinger: Friedrich XII of Hohenzollern

Aed of the Assemblies: Aed Find

Brian of the Battle of Nenagh (Gae. Catha-an-Aonaigh): Brian Boru

Brochwel of the Canine Teeth: Brochwel Ysgithrog of Powis 

Ferdinand of the Hairs (Sp. de la Cerda): Fernando de la Cerda of Castile

Ulick of the Heads: Ulick na gCeann Burke, 1st Earl of Clanricarde

Conn of the Hundred Battles: Conn Cetchathach of Ireland

Conn of the Hundred Fights: Conn Cetchathach of Ireland

Ashot of Iron (Yergat): Ashot II of Georgia

Götz of the Iron Hand: Götz von Berlichingen

Otto of Brunswick: Otto IV of Holy Roman Empire

George of the Long Hands: Yuri Dolgoruki

Ferdinand of More: Fernando of Mallorca

Otto of Northeim: Otto of Nordheim

Ibrahim of Parka (Tur. Pargali): Ibrahim Pasha, 28th Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire

Donal of the Planting (Gae. na-Curragh): Donal Mor

Owain of the Red Hand (Gae. Owain Lawgoch): Owain ap Thomas ap Rhodri

Otto of Schweinfurt: Otto III of Swabia

Fiann of the Shannon: Flann Sinna

Bernhard of Swidnica (Pol. Swidnicki): Bernhard of Silesia

Aed of the Swift Foot: Aed of Scotland

Tadhg of the Three Towers: Tadhg, King of Connacht

Joanna of the Tower: Joanna of England

Brian of the Tributes: Brian Boru

Ysgithrog of the Tusk: Brochwel Ysgithrog of Powis

Cynan of the White Chariot: Cynan Garwyn

Fiacha of the White Oxen: Fiacha Finnfolaidh 

Conchobar of the Woods: Conchobar O'Neill of Ulster

Baedan of the Yellow Hair: Baedan of Ireland 

Bolko of Ziebicki: Bolko II of Silesia

Og: Angus MacDonald of Islay

Olav Digera: Olav II of Norway

Olav Hunger: Olaf I of Denmark

Olav the Big One: Olav II of Norway

Olav the Chapman: Olav II of Norway

Olav the Fat: Olav II of Norway

Olav the Mild: Olav III of Norway

Olav the Pacific: Olav III of Norway

Olav the Saint: Olav II of Norway

Olav the Seaman: Olav II of Norway

Olav Kyrre: Olav II of Norway

Olympian: Pericles

One-Eyed Traitor (It. dell'Occhio): Malatestino Malatesta

One Who Blinks: Erik V of Denmark

One Who Fights Alone: Vladimir II of Kiev

Only Man Among My Opponents: Maria Theresa of Austria

Only Man of the Habsburg Dynasty: Maria Theresa of Austria

Optimo Imperator: Sancho I of Pamplona

Ordoño the Bad: Ordoño IV of Leon 

Ordoño the Hunchback: Ordoño IV of Leon 

Orphan of the Temple: Marie-Therese of France

Orpheus of Scotland: James I of Scotland

Oriana: Elizabeth I of England

Oriflam: Gauthier I of Vexin

Ostertag: Friedrich VIII of Zollern

Other StuartHenry Benedict Stuart

Otto the Infant: Otto III of Holy Roman Empire

Otto the Jovial: Otto of Austria

Otto the Proud: Otto IV of Holy Roman Empire

Otto the Spendthrift: Otto II of Brandenburg

Otto the Victorious: Otto II of Brunswick-Luneburg

Otto the Well-Beloved: Otto of Austria

Otto the White: Otto III of Swabia

Our Angel Queen: Marie of Edinburgh

Our Comly Kyng: Edward III of England

Our English Marcellus: Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales

Our Henry: Henri IV of France

Our Smiling Prince: Edward VIII of the United Kingdom

Our Val: Princess Michael of Kent

Owl: Laurent, marquis de Gouvion Saint-Cyr

Pageant Queen: Anne Neville

Pale: Constantius Chlorus of the Byzantine Empire

Pantagruel: Henri II of France

Panurgus: Henry VII of England

Paphlagonian: Mikhael IV of the Byzantine Empire

Paralis: Giacomo Casanova

Paris: John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey

Parmesan: Isabella of Parma

Parricide (Lat. Parricida): Cloderic of Cologne; Henry V of Germany; Johann of Austria

Parsons' King: Charles IV of the Holy Roman Empire; Heinrich Raspe of Thuringia

Partheusa: Elizabeth I of England

Parthicus Maximus: Aurelian of the Roman Empire

Passion-bearerVaclav I of Bohemia

Passion-Sufferers of Chernigov & Miracle Workers of Chernigov: Mikhail of Chernigov

Passionate One (le Passionne): Henri IV of France

Pater Noster: Wartislaw V of Pomerania-Wolgast

Paterbend: Bernhard I of Bentheim

Paternus of the Scarlet Robe (Beisrud): Padarn Beisrudd

Patheusa: Elizabeth I of England 

Patient (Ger. der Geduldige): Adolf of the Palatinate; Albrecht IV of Austria

Patron Saint of the Czech and the Czech Republic: Vaclav I of Bohemia

Pauletta: Pauline Bonaparte

Paunch-Shaker: Einar

Peace-Cow (Swe. Fredkulla): Margaret of Sweden

Peaceable: Edgar I of England 

Peace-making: Edgar I of England

Peacemaker of Italy: Baldomero Espartero; Isabel of Aragon; Roberto I of Naples

Peacock of the North: Robert de Neville

Pearl of Britain: Elisabeth of Bohemia

Pearl of Normandy: Emma of Normandy

Pearl of the Valois: Marguerite de Valois, Queen of France

Peculiar: Albrecht IV of Austria

Pedro Banana: Pedro II of Brazil

Pedro de Alcantara: Pedro II of Brazil

Peer: Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington

Peerless: Friedrich II of Prussia

Peasant Countess: Sarah Hoggins

Peasants' Friend: Alexander III of Russia

Peasants' God: Floris V of Holland

Peasants' Prince: Heinrich I of Brunswick-Grubenhagen

Peerless Oriana: Elizabeth I of England

Pelican (Por. a Pelicana): Violante Gomez

Penniless, Pennyless: Friedrich IV of Austria

People-Murderer: Carl XI of Sweden

Peopler: Sancho I of Portugal

People's Princess: Diana, Princess of Wales

People's Prince: Frederick, Prince of Wales; Henry, Duke of Sussex

People's King: Henri I of Guise; Henri IV of FranceOlav V of Norway

Pepin of Herstal: Pippin of Herstal

Pepin the Hunchback: Pippin

Pepin the Short: Pippin of the Franks

Perfect: Joao II of Portugal

Perverse Tyrant: Alvaro de Luna

Peter IV of Bas: Piero II of Arborea

Peter of Rosenberg: Peter I of Rozmberk

Peter Delyan: Peter II of Bulgaria

Peter Earring: Petru II Cercel of Wallachia

Peter Mauclerc: Pierre I of Brittany

Peter Mikhailov: Peter I of Russia

Peter of the Earring (Rom. Petru Cercel): Peter II of Wallachia

Peter Orseolo: Peter I of Hungary

Peter Petrovich: Peter of Russia (1715-1719)

Peter Tempesta: Peter of Gravina

Peter the Lame: Peter VI of Moldavia

Petit Monsieur: Philippe I of Orleans
 Petronius of His Andre: Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke

Petty King: Ramiro I of Aragon

Phaedra of ItalyParisina Malatesta

Phantom King: Childeric III

Phil the Geek: Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Philhellene: Alexander I of Macedonia

Philip Arrhidaeus: Philip III of Macedon

Philip of Courtenay: Philippe II of Courtenay

Philip of Rouvre: Philippe I of Burgundy

Philippe a la Levre: Philippe II of Courtenay

Philippe Hurepel (Boarskin): Philippe I of Boulogne

Philippe MonsieurPhilippe I of Burgundy

Philippe of Anjou: Felipe V of Spain

Philip Sidney the Bayard of England

Philosopher-Prince: Friedrich II of Prussia

Philosopher on the ThronePedro II of Brazil

Philosopher of Sans Soucci: Friedrich II of Prussia

Phoenix Among Kings: Friedrich II of the Holy Roman Empire

Photo Prince: Carl Philip, Duke of Varmland

Phrygian: Mikhael III of the Byzantine Empire

Pierce Penniless: Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici

Piero il Scandalezzatore: " . . . Piero was a wastrel, the exponent of his father’s worst passions—­Piero, “Il Scandalezzatore” as he was rightly called. . . ." (Book Rags)

Piero the Fatuous
Pillar of Dignity in he Western World: Athelstan of England

Pimple: Otto V of Bavaria

Pingo: Frederik of Denmark

Pioneer of Modern Oceanography: Albert I of Monaco

Pippin I: Pippin of Landen

Pippin II: Pippin of Herstal

Pitiless (Fr. Sans Pitie): Johann III of Bavaria

Planet King: Felipe IV of Spain 

Planter, Planter John: John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu

Plantagenet: Geoffroy V of Anjou

Plantevelue: Bernard II of Auvergne

Playboy Banker: Philippe Junot

Playboy King: Carol II of Romania

Plon-Plon: Prince Napoleon Bonaparte

Ploughpenny: Erik IV of Denmark

Pocket-mouth, Pocket-mouthed (Ger. Maultasch): Margaret Maultasch of Tyrol

Poet: Charles of Orleans; Conn O Lochlain; Donal Oge III; Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux of Harrowden

Poet-Bishop: Peter II of Montenegro

Poet-Warlord: Miklos Zrinyi

Pogonatus: Constans II of the Byzantine Empire

Poisoner: Peter IV of Moldavia

Poisoner of English History: Frances Carr

Poisonous: Eochaid IV of Dalriada

Poliarchus: Henri IV of France

Policeman of Europe: Nikolai I of Russia

Pollichon: Bertrand de Poulegny

Poliorcetes: Demetrius I of Madecon

Politic: Carlos III of Spain

Polish Bayard: Józef Antoni Poniatowski 

Pollente: Charles IX of France

Polish Justinian: Kazimierz III of Poland 

Pomeranian: Eric XIII of Sweden 

Pompous: Werner I of Habsburg

Poodle Byng: Frederick Gerald Byng

Poor Fred: Frederick, Prince of Wales

Poor Man's King: James V of Scotland

the Pope's King: Karl IV of the Holy Roman Empire 

the Popinjay: Henri II of France 

the Popish Duke: James II of England 

the Popish King: Karl IV of the Holy Roman Empire 

the Populator: Sancho I of Portugal 

Diego Rodriguez Porcelos: 

Afonso de Albuquerque the Portuguese Caesar: 

Nuno Álvares Pereira the Portuguese Cid: 

Manuel I of Portugal the Portuguese Maecenas: 

Afonso de Albuquerque the Portuguese Mars: 

Joao V of Portugal the Portuguese Sun King: 

Alexander II of Suzdal Potbelly, Pot Belly: 

Albrecht V of Bavaria the Practical: 

Gerald of Wales the Prebend of Hereford and Mathry:

Archibald, Marquis of Argyle (1598-1661) the Presbyterian Ulysses:

Yolande of Aragon the Prettiest Woman in the Kingdom: 

Edward Kynaston the Prettiest Woman in the Whole House (by Samuel Pepys):

Strezislava of Bohemia the Pretty: 

the Pretty Face: Henry III of France

Eric II of Norway the Priest-hater:

Dmitri II of Rostov Primak: 

George VI of Great Britain Prince Bertie: 

Albert Victor of Wales Prince Collar and Cuffs: 

George IV of Great Britain Prince Florizel: 

Ferdinand II of Austria Prince Ferdinand of the Golden Locks

Prince Napoleon Bonaparte Prince Napoleon: 

August Alexander Czartoryski Prince Palatine:

Rupert of the Rhine Prince-Robber: 

Frederick, Prince of Wales Prince Titi: 

William, Duke of Cumberland.

Edward V of England the Prince in the Tower:

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord the Prince of Diplomats:

Andrew, Duke of York the the Prince of Freebies: 

Joao I of Portugal the Prince of Good Memory:

Wilhelm I of Germany the Prince of Grapeshot: 

Wilhelm II of Germany German Bill (by Sir Edward Goschen)

Tiberius of the Roman Empire the Prince of Hypocrites: 

Elisabeth of Bavaria the Princess Bride: 

Princess Michael of Kent Princess Pushy:

Anne, Princess Royal Princess Sourpuss:

Sophia Dorothea of Celle the Princess of Ahlden:

Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark the Princess on the Run:

Mary Davis, mistress of Charles II of England. Moll Davis. the Most Impertinent Slut in the World (by Mrs. Pepys)

Antoinette of Monaco Princess Tiny-pants:

Diana, Princess of Wales Princhey:

Antonio I of Portugal the Prior of Crato:

Gottfried I of Verdun the Prisoner:

Francois Bonivard the Prisoner of Chillon:

Napoleon III of the French the Prisoner of Ham: 

Albrecht VI of Austria the Prodigal:

John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester the Profane Earl:

Carlos III of Spain the Progressive King: 

Suleiman of the Ottoman Empire the Propagator of the Sultanic Laws: 

Frederick John Robinson Prosperity Robinson:

Adelaide del Vasto the Protector of Christian Faith:

Godfrey of Bouillon the Protector of the Holy Sepulcher: 

Gustav II Adolf of Sweden the Protector of Protestantism: 

Ottoman Admiral Barbarossa the Protector of Religion:

Jelena of Zadar the Protectress of Orphans and Widows:

Odet de Coligny the Protestant Cardinal

Friedrich II of Prussia the Protestant Hero:

Afonso de Albuquerque Protho-Capitaneus Noster:

Cicely Neville Proud Cis:

Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset the Proud Duke:

Alexander Hamilton, 10th Duke of Hamilton the Proudest Man in Britain:

Ernst August V of Hanover Prugelprinz:

Gauthier I of Tournai Pulechel:

the Punk Princess: Gloria, Princess of Thurn and Taxis

the Purse With a Hole In it: Christian I of Denmark

Quade: Otto II (VI) of Brunswick-Gottingen

Quanto, Quantova: Marquise de Montespan

Quareller: Foulques IV of Anjou

the Wise Duchess. Old Sarah.

the Original Queen of Hearts: Elizabeth, the Queen Mother

the Queen of Intrigues: Isabella II of Spain

the Queen of the Northern Seas: Elizabeth I of England

the Queen of the People's Hearts: Diana, Princess of Wales

the Queen of Protestants: Marie de la Tour d'Auvergne

the Queen's Earl: James FitzGerald, 1st Earl of Desmond

the Quick: Feradach Dathi

the Don Quixote of the North: Karl XII of Sweden

Radoslav the Zlican

Radu Negru of Wallachia

Radu the Black (Rom. Negru): Radu Negru of Wallachia

Radu the Black Voivode (Rom. Negru Voda): Radu Negru of Wallachia

Radu the Good: Radu III of Wallachia

Radu the Great (Rom. Radu cel Mare): Radu IV of Moldavia

Radu the Handsome (Rom: Radu cel Frumos): Radu III of Wallachia

Ragnhild of Tälje: Raghnild van Telge, Queen of Sweden

Rainier III of Monaco the Boss

Rainier III of Monaco the Builder-Prince

Rainier III of Monaco Rocky Rainier.

Ramiro II of Aragon the Monk

Ramiro II of Leon the Ferocious Warrior

Ramiro III of Leon the Child

Ramon Garces of Pamplona the Fratricide 

Randy Andy: Andrew, Duke of York

Rascal King: Ferdinando I of the Two Sicilies

Raven Feeder: Kenneth I of Scots

Raw (Pol. Srogi): Bolko I of Silesia

Real Byzantine: Alexander I of Russia

Rebel Earl (Lat. Ingens Rebellibus Exemplar): Gerald FitzGerald, 15th Earl of Desmond

Rebel Prince: Andrea CasiraghiHenry, Duke of Sussex

Rebre: Alain III of Brittany

Rechin: Foulques IV of Anjou

Recluse of Iffley: Annora de Braose

Red Animal: Abdulhamid II of Ottoman Empire

Red Archduchess: Elisabeth Marie of Austria

Red Assassin: Abdulhamid II of Ottoman Empire; Red Baron: Manfred von Richthofen

Red Battle-Flier: Manfred von Richthofen

Red Comyn: John III Comyn, Lord of Badenoch

Red Count: Amedee VII of Savoy

Red Devil: Manfred von Richthofen

Red Earl: 

John Spencer, 5th Earl Spencer

Red Earl of Ulster: Richard Og de Burgh, 2nd Earl of Ulster

Red Eva: Eva MacMurrough

Red Infanta: Maria Adelaide of Braganza

Red King: Ludwig Wilhelm of Baden-Baden

Red Knight: Manfred von Richthofen

Red Lion: Michel Ney

Red Piers: Piers Butler, 1st Earl of Ormonde

Red Prince: Friedrich Karl of Prussia

Red Princess: Elisabeth Marie of Austria

Red Queen: Elisabeth of Belgium

Red Radziwiłł: Mikołaj Radziwill

Red Sultan Abdulhamid II of Ottoman Empire

Red Sun: Vladimir I of Kiev

Red Lips: Harald Agderkonge 

Redeless: Ethelred the Unready

Reformer: Jose I of Portugal

Regency Remnant: Frederick Gerald Byng

Regent: Constantine of Barbaron and Lampron; Philippe II of Orleans

Regent Remnant: Frederick Gerald Byng

Regina Elisabeta: Elisabeth of Wied

Reinald I of Guelders the Quarrelsome

Reinald II of Guelders the Black

Reluctant Monarch: Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden

Representative of Man: Philippe II of Orlean

Restless: Friedrich IV of Brunswick

Restorer of the East: Aurelian of the Roman Empire

Restorer of French Liberty: Louis XVI of France

Restorer of the Kingdom of Naples: Carlos III of Spain

Restorer of the World: Aurelian of the Roman Empire

Revengeful: Pedro I of Portugal

Rich Lady (Sp. Rica Hembra): Leonor of Albuquerque

Rich Marquis: Adalbert II of Tuscany

Richard I of England: the Staff of My Old Agethe Light of My Eyes (by his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine)

Righteous: Friedrich IV of Palatinate; Friedrich August I of Saxony

Ring-giver to NoblesAthelstan of England

Riparian: Clovis of Cologne

Rifle-Ernest: Ernst II of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

Robber: Edward IV of England

Robert d' Geiseric

Roe Eva: Eva MacMurrough

Rognvald of Agder: Rognvald Heidumhære of Vestfold

Rognvald the Glorious: Rognvald Heidumhære of Vestfold

Rognvald the Mountain-High: Rognvald Heidumhære of Vestfold

Rognvald the Powerful: Rognvald Eysteinsson, 1st Jarl of Møre

Rognvald the Wise: Rognvald Eysteinsson, 1st Jarl of Møre

Roman: Ludwig VI of Brandenburg

Roman Matriarch: Cicely Neville

Robert the Devil: Rupert of the Rhine

Robert the Wise of Naples

Robespierre of Hamburg: Louis Nicolas Davout

Robert I of Normandy: Rollo of Normandy

Robin Hood: Charles X of France

Rocho: Friedrich III of Diessen

Roger Bosso: Ruggiero I of Sicily

Rois de Braves: Henri IV of France

Roland: Boniface of Savoy

Roland of the Army of Italy: Jean Lannes

Roland of Savoy: Boniface of Savoy

Roland of Saxony: Albrecht III of Saxony 

Roman-killer (Gr. Rōmaioktonos): Kaloyan of Bulgaria

Roman Nose: Eochaid mac Domangairt

the Roman-Slayer: Kaloyan of Bulgaria

Romulus of Brandenburg: Henry I of Germany

Rose of Beauharnais: Josephine de Beauharnais

Rose of England: Elizabeth of Bohemia

Rose of Normandy: Emma of Normandy 

Rose of Raby: Cicely Neville

Rose Without a ThornCatherine Howard, Queen of England

Rose of the World: Rosamund Clifford

Rosselman: Albrecht III of Hohenberg-Rottenburg

Rotten Goodman: Ferchar Fota

Royal Cuckold: Carlos IV of Spain

Royal Griffin: Frederick, Prince of Wales

Royal Oak: Augustus Fitzroy

Royal Madam: Christine Marie of France

Royal Martyr: Charles I of England

Royal Doll: Maria Anne of Bourbon-Conde, Marie-Therese of Bourbon-Conde

Royal Whore: Barbara Palmer

Ruad: Conchobar O'Brien of Thomond

Ruby Node: Oliver Cromwell 

Ruddy: Michel Ney; Dietrich I of Veluwe

Rufus (Red)

Ruibriez: Alain III of Brittany

Rule: Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire

Rupert of Debate: Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby

Rupert of the Rhine the Admiral: 

Ruse: Fernando II of Aragon

Russian: Anund Gardske; Heinrich III of Plauen

the Russian Cinderella: Catherine I of Russia

the Russian HamletPaul I of Russia

the Russian Hannibal: Alexander Suvorov

the Russian Trajan: Alexander I of Russia

the Ruthenian: Heinrich III of Plauen

the Ruthless: Harald III of Norway

Rymniski: Alexander Suvorov

Sacred Stone Oxen (Lat. Master Apis Lapis): Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

the Sacrificer:Blot-Sweyn of Sweden 

the Sacristan: Pedro III of Portugal

the Sagest of UsurpersOliver Cromwell

Sagittarius: Otto IV of Brandenburg

the Saint-King: Pedro V of Portugal 

the Saint Prince: Fernando of Castile; Fernando of Portugal 

the Saint Princess: Joana of Portugal (nun) 

Saint Wenceslas: Vaclav I of Bohemia 

Konrad II of Bavaria the Salian: 

the Sancho Garces I: Sancho I of Pamplona

Sancho Garces III: Sancho III of Pamplona

Sancho Mitarra of Gascony: Sancho III of Gascony

Sancho III Mitarra of Gascony: Sancho III of Gascony

Sancho III of Navarre: Sancho III of Pamplona

Sancho IV of Navarre: Sancho IV of Pamplona

Sancho the Noble: Sancho IV of Pamplona

Sancho the Populator(Por. o Povoador) : Sancho I of Portugal

Sancho the Prudent: Sancho VII of Navarre

Sancho the Restorer: Sancho I of Pamplona

Sancho the Retired (Sp. el Encerrado): Sancho VII of Navarre

Sancho the Strong (Sp. el Fuerte): Sancho VII of Navarre

Sancho the Terror: Sancho III of Gascony

Sand Dealer (Fr. Sablonnier): Friedrich II of Prussia

Sandy Don: Alexander Gordon of Auchintool

Sanctified Tsar: Feodor of Starodub

Sant'ring Bully: James II of England

Sap: Felipe II of Spain

Sappho of Nesvish: Franciszka Urszula Radziwiłł

Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough. Queen Sarah. the Viceroy

Saracen: William, Margrave of Parodi

Sardanapalus of Germany: Vaclav IV of Bohemia

Sardanapalus of Scotland: Cuilen of Scotland

Sargeant King: Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia

Savage: Boleslaw II of Poland

Scarface (Fr. Balafre): Henri I of Guise

Scarlet (Tur. Kizil): Abdulhamid II of Ottoman Empire

Scarlet Courtier: Cardinal Richelieu

Scarred: Henri I of Guise

Scholar Prince: Albert I of Monaco

Scorpion Stanley: Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby

Scotch Justinian: David I of Scotland

Scotland's Scourge (Lat. Scotorum Malleus): Edward I of England

Scottish Heliogabalus: James I of England

Scottish Jimmy: James I of England

Scottish Lady (Skottefruen): Anna Throndsen

Scottish Sardanapalus: Cuilen of Scotland

Scottish Solomon: James I of England

Scourge of Provence: Raymond of Turenne

Seagull: Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Bavaria

Seaman: Olav II of Norway

Self-Sacrificer: Demetre II of Georgia

Selim the Sot: Selim II of the Ottoman Empire

Semiramis of the North: Catherine II of Russia; Margaret I of Denmark

Senator: Enrique of Castile

Sephi-Mirza: Louis, Dauphin of France

Serious: Friedrich II of Meissen

Servant of God: Abdul Hamid I of Ottoman Empire

Settler: Sancho I of Portugal

Severe: Eystein Throndsson

Seven Lamps of the Holy Roman Empire: Seven Electors of the HRE

Sexiest Royal: Peter Mark Andrew Phillips

Sexual Artist (Lat. Spintaria): Vitellius of the Roman Empire

Shadow King of Tbilisi: Giorgi V of Georgia

Shah Nawaz: Vakhtang VI of Kartli

Shakespeare of Eloquence: Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau

Sham Earl: James FitzGerald, 15th Earl of Desmond

Shame of His Father (Fr. le Honte de son Pere): Dmitri VI of Moscow

Shanjul (Little Sancho): Abd al-Rahman Sanchuelo

Shane Cam: John FitzGerald, 6th Earl of Kildare

She-Wolf of France: Isabella of France, Queen of England

Shemyaka: Dmitri Shemyaka

Shield of Rome: Fabius Maximus

Shining Teeth (Hildetand, Hilditonn): Harald of Denmark (647–735)

Shockhead, Tanglehair: Harald I of Norway

Short-Boot: Boleslaw V of Poland

Short Stocking: Boleslaw V of Poland

Shrewd: Lestko of Poland

Shvibzik: Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia

Sickly: Enrique III of Castile

Signora Antica: Princess Palatine Elisabeth of Bohemia 

Silly Old Bitch: Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyll

Simple-Minded: Radu II Wallachia

Singer: Eble of Ventadour; Ebles II of Ventadour

Single Combat Man: Vladimir II of Kiev

Single Combatant: Vladimir II of Kiev

Sincere: Philipp of the Palatinat

Sir Harry Hotspur: Henry Percy

Sir John Comyn: John III Comyn, Lord of Badenoch

Sir Paridel: Charles Neville, 6th Earl of Westmorland

Sissi: Elisabeth of Bavaria

Sitta: Helen of Greece, Queen of Romania

Skanderbeg: George Castriota

Skittles: Catherine Walters

Skitsie: Catherine Walters

Slav: Thomas the Slav, rival Byzantine emperor

Slave of God, master of the world

Slave Lord: Eochaid Mugmedon

Slaves-Lord: Eochaid of Tara

Slemme: Emund of Sweden; Vaclav I of Bohemia

Slit-Nosed (Gr. Rhinotmetus): Justinian of the Byzantine Empire

Slobberer: Alfonso IX of Leon

SlyFrancesco Grimaldi

Sly Fox: Henry Vassal-Fox, 3rd Baron Holland

Small (Pol. Maly): Bolko II of Silesia

Smaller (Rus. Menshoy): Andrei of Vologda

Smiling Duchess: Elizabeth, the Queen Mother

Snake in the Eye, Snake-Eyed: Sigurd 

Snotty King: Charles IX of France

Sobeslav II of Bohemia. the King of the Peasants. the Peasants' Prince . the Peasants' King

Socialist on Horseback: Napoleon III of the French

Solomon of Great Britain: George III of Great Britain

Solomon of His Age: Amedee VIII of Savoy

Solomon of Scotland: James I of England

Son: Caracalla

Son of the Devil: Ezzelino III da Romano

Son of the Dragon: Vlad III of Wallachia

Son of Fidach: Crimthann mac Fidaig

Son of His Time: Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord

Sorcerer: Vseslav of Polotsk

Sorceress: Eithne of Ireland

Sot: Selim II of the Ottoman Empire

Sour-Faced: Foulques IV of Anjou

Spaniard: Roger de Toesny

Spare: Henry, Duke of Sussex

Sparrow: Heinrich VIII of Silesia

Spear-shaker: Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

Sphinx of Europe: Alexander I of Russia

Sphinx of the North: Alexander I of Russia

Sphinx Uncomprehended Even in His Tomb: Alexander I of Russia

Sphinx Who Remained an Enigma to the Grave: Alexander I of Russia

Spillendreher: Barnim IX of Pomerania

Splendor of the Danes: Prince Canute of Denmark

Sporus: John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey

Squeak: Katherine, Duchess of Cambridge

Squintabella: Louise de Kérouaille, Duchess of Portsmouth

Squire: Karl, Archduke of Austria

Stalin of the Sixteenth Century: Ivan IV of Russia

Standard Bearer: Fernando of Castile

Star of the North: Catherine II of Russia

Star of the Stuart: James IV of Scotland

Stavros Glucksburg: Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Steadfast: Wilhelm IV of Bavaria

Steely-Eyed: Dmitri of Tver

Stefan the Blind: Stefan Branković of Serbia

Stella: Penelope Blount, Countess of Devonshire

Stern Little Bavarian Eagle: Marie Sophie of Bavaria

Steward: Walter fitz AlanWalter Stewart, 3rd High Steward of Scotland 

Stout Harry: Henry VIII of England

Straitened: Ruprecht of Germany

Strassburger: Friedrich of Hohenzollern

Straightforward: Charles III of France

Strict: Bolko I of Silesia

Stringless Purse: Christian I of Denmark

Strongbow: Johann II of Suzdal (1412–1414)

Strong Hand: William d'Aubigny "Pincerna"

Strong-Minded: Sigrid the Haughty; Stefan Dushan

Stubborn: Guilaume I of Burgundy

Study Princess: Madeleine, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland

Stumpy: Maud, Queen of Norway (by herself)

Stutterer: Claudius

Stuttering and Lame: Eric XI of Sweden

Styrian PrinceJohann of Austria

Suchyok: Andrei, Prince Gorbaty-Shuiski

Sufferer: Enrique III of Castile

Sufrida: Barbara of Portugal

Sugan Earl: James FitzGerald, 15th Earl of Desmond

Summoned: Fernando IV of Castile

Sun Count: Heinrich I of Vianden

Sun King: Heinrich I of Vianden; Louis XIV of France

Surfer Prince: Joao Henrique of Orleans-Braganza

Surly: Foulques IV of Anjou

Survivalist Cicely: Cicely Neville

Suspicious: Bernard I of Armagnac

Swan: Marella Agnelli

Swan King: Ludwig II of Bavaria

Swannesha: Edith

Swedish Amazon: Christina of Sweden

Sweet William: William, Duke of Cumberland

Swift Sword of Savoy: Eugene of Savoy

Swimmer: James Roche

Sword of the Messiah: David IV of Georgia

Sylvester the Wildman: Gerald of Wales

Szczodry: Bolko III of Silesia-Liegnitz

Tahg of the Glens: Tahg O'Neill, King of Ulster 

Tail (It. Coda): Amedee I of Savoy 

Taillefer: Bernat I of Besalu; Foulques of Angouleme; Geoffroy I of Preuilly

Talleyrand's Goose: Marie-Antoinette-Rosalie Pauline, Duchess of Bauffremont

Talma of the North: Alexander I of Russia

Talvas: Guillaume IV of Ponthieu

Tanner of Tamworth: Edward IV of England

Tapsky: Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury

Olof of Sweden the Tax King:

Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield theTea-table Scoundrel: (by George II of Great Britain) 

Jean- Andoche Junot, 1st Duke of Abrantes the Tempest:

Pertinax the Tennis-Ball of Fortune:

Christina of Sweden Tenth Muse:

Marguerite de Valois, Queen of France Tenth Muse

Terrible Eyes: Dmitri of Tver

Thane: Crinan of Dunkeld

That Man in Vienna: Maria Theresa of Austria

That Metromaniac Prince: Friedrich II of Prussia

That Weather-CockWilliam Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath

That Wolf of France: Louis XIV of France

Theater Duke (Ger. Theaterherzog): Georg II of Saxe-Meiningen

Theobald I of Lorraine the Fair, the Handsome the Handsome Duke

Thin-Bearded: Peter IV of Moldavia

Thinking Silent General: George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle

Third Found of Rome: Gaius Marius

Third King of SpainPedro Gonzalez de Mendoza

Thistle and the Rose : James IV of Scotland and Margaret of England

Thumbs: James, Laird of Allardice

Évariste de Forges de Parny the Tibullus of France:

Edward Thurlow, 1st Baron Thurlow the Tiger

Felipe II of Spain the Tiger of the Escorial:

John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster.

Time-Honored Lancaster: (by Shakespeare): "So Shakespeare calls John of Gaunt, the father of Henry IV, King of England." (Frey, p, 340)

TimonJames Brydges, 1st Duke of Chandos (by Alexander Pope

Tine-ManArchibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas

TinyAntoinette of Monaco

Tom Thumb: Napoleon III of the French (by Victor Hugo)

Torrent: Marquise de Montespan

Toulousan: Guillaume X of Aquitaine

Tower Earl of Desmond: James FitzGerald, 1st Earl of Desmond

Tow-hair: Thibaud de Montlhéry

Town Bull of ElyOliver Cromwell

Traitor Earl: James FitzGerald, 14th Earl of Desmond 

Traveler: George Berkeley, 8th Lord Berkeley

Trencavel: Bernard Aton IV of Albi

Treasurer: Olof of Sweden

Treacherous: Gabran of Dalriada

Trembler: Garcia Sanchez II of Pamplona

Trembling: Garcia Sanchez II of Pamplona

Tremulous: Garcia Sanchez II of Pamplona

Thriftless: Boleslaw III of Silesia

Trimmer: Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia; George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax

Trimming Duke: John de la Polse, 2nd Duke of Suffolk

Triumph: Jan I of BrabantJan III of Brabant.

Troubadour King: Dinis I of Portugal

Troubadour Prince: Thibaut III of Champagne

True: Feradach Finnfechtnach

True Diana: Elizabeth I of England (by Nash)

Tsar Lazar: Lazar of Serbia

Tsar Liberator: Alexander II of Russia

Tsar-Slave: Boris Godunov

Tum Tum: Edward VII of Great Britain

Tumble-Down Dick: Richard Cromwell

Tuneful: Eochaid Binnigh

Turenne of Louis XV: Maurice de Saxe

Turkified: Bardanes; Ludovico II Gonzaga of Mantua; Mihnea II of Wallachia

Turkish Louis: Ludwig Wilhelm of Baden

Turn-Coat MeresHenry Booth, 1st Earl of Warrington

Turned-Turk: Bardanes; Ludovico II Gonzaga of Mantua; Mihnea II of Wallachia

Turnip Head: George I of Great Britain

Turnip-Hoer: George I of Great Britain

Turnip Townshend: Charles Townshend

Tuscan: Giovanni Lambert, Prince of Salerno

Twister: Athelfrith of Northumbria

Two Angels: Luise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Prussia & Friederike of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Hanover

Two Kings of BrentfordJames II of England and James II of England

Two Pupils: Anastasius I of the Byzantine Empire

Tyrant: Aron Tiranul; Christian II of Denmark

Ugly: Maria Isabel of Portugal

Uhlan King: Alfonso XII of Spain

Ultimate King: Sweyn Asleifsson

Ulysses of Germany: Albrecht III of Brandenburg

Ulysses of the HighlandsEwen Cameron of Lochiel

Unconquered King: Edward of the Anglo-Saxons

Unexpected KingGeorge VI of Great Britain

Union DukeJames Douglas, 2nd Duke of Queensberry

Unique: Friedrich II of Prussia

Unread: Ethelred of England

Unready: Ethelred of England

Unsteady: Henri IV of France

Until-the-End-of-the-World-in-Love: Pedro I of Portugal

Untamed Heifer: Elizabeth I of England

Upholsterer of Notre Dame: François-Henri de Montmorency, Duc de Luxembourg

Upmarket Alf Garnett: Elizabeth, the Queen Mother 

Upstart: Cosimo I of Tuscany

Valdemar V of Schelesien: Valdemar III of Denmark

Valiant: Edgar of Scotland; Jean IV of Brittany

Valiant Charlemagne: Pietro II of Savoy

Valiant Lion (Alp Arslan): Muhammad bin Dawud Chaghri, Seljuk Sultan

Valiant of Valiants: Janos Hunyadi

Vandal Achilles: Hoamer of the Vandals

VanellaAnne Vane

Varangian: Rurik

Visilli the Blind: Vasilli II of Moscow

Vauban of Modern Times: Guillaume Dode de la Brunerie

Venus of France: Marguerite de Valois, Queen of France

Very Devout Christian: Philippe VI of France

Catherine Howard, Queen of England the Very Jewel of Womanhood:

Vicious: Johann II of Silesia

the Victor for the Religion of Allah (Arab. an Nasir li-din Allah): Abd-ar-Rahman III of Cordoba

the Victor of Flodden Field: Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk 

the Victor of Valmy: Francois Christophe Kellermann 

Victory's Beloved Child: Andre Massena

the Vigilant: Dmitri of Pereslavl

Vince the Prince: Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein

the Virgin King: Sebastiao of Portugal 

Virgin ModestyJohn Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester (by Charles II of England)

the Virgin Queen: Elizabeth I of England 

Virginia's Tutelary SaintPrincess Pocahontas

the Virtuous and Blessed Maestre: Alvaro de Luna

Vittorio Amedeo II of Sardinia A Genius

the Vixen of Queluz (Por. A Megera de Queluz): Carlota Joaquina of Spain

the Wake-Dog: Herbert I of Maine

Waked the Waves: Basil II of Pskov

Walter: Henry VIII of England

the Warbler of Poetic ProsePhilip Sidney

the Warm-hearted DukeCharles de Sainte-Maure, duc de Montausier

Warrior Lady of LathamCharlotte Stanley, Countess of Derby

the Warrior Queen: Boudica 

the Warwick of Medieval Spain: Fernan Gonzales of Castile

the Water Drinker: St. David

the Water-GullRichard Grenville-Temple, 2nd Earl Temple

the Waterloo HeroRowland Hill, 1st Viscount Hill

the Weak-in-the-Feet: Edred of England

Philippe I of France Weak Prince: 

William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley the Weasel

Eric Emundsson of Uppsala the Weather-Hat: 

Louise de Kérouaille, Duchess of Portsmouth the Weeping Willow: 

the Well-Served: Charles VII of France

the Welsh Boudica: Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd

the Welsh Woman: Elizabeth of England

the Wend-crow: Ottar of Sweden

the Werewolf: Vseslav of Polotsk

the Westerner (Tur. Frenk): Ibrahim Pasha, 28th Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire

the Whelp: Culen of Scotland

the Whiner: Burkhard I of Zollern; Eberhard II of Wurttemberg

Burkhard I of Zollern the Whiner

Eberhard II of Wurttemberg the Whiner: 

the White Death of the Saracens: Nikephorus II

the White Devil: Skanderbeg

the White Devil of Wallachia: Skanderbeg

the White Duck: Ethelfleda of Hertford

the White Earl: James Butler, 4th Earl of Ormonde 

the White King: Charles I of England

the White Knight of the Christian Crusaders: Janos Hunyadi

the White Knight of Snowdoun: James V of Scotland

the White Knight of Transylvania: Janos Hunyadi

the White Lady of Rosenberg: Perchta of Rozmberk

the White-MillinerFrances Talbot, Duchess of Tyrconnel 

the White Oxen: Fiacha Finnfolaidh 

the White Queen: Mary I of Scotland

the White RoseCatherine Gordon

the White Rose of Raby: Cicely Neville, Duchess of York

the White Rose of ScotlandCatherine Gordon

the White Rose of York: Edward Courtenay, 1st Earl of Devon 

the White Shanks: Cynan Garwyn

the White Tooth: Owain Danwyn

the White Widow: Frances Jennings 

the Wicked: Carlos II of Navarre

the Wicked Earl George: George Sinclair, 5th Earl of Caithness

the Wicked Fritz: Friedrich I of Palatinate

the Wide-Awake: Louis VI of France

the Widow Capet: Marie Antoinette of Austria

the Widow of Windsor: Victoria of the United Kingdom

the Wild: Eadric the Wild

the Wild Boar of ArdennesWilliam II de la Marck, Lord of Lumey

the Wild ChildStephanie of Monaco

the WildfireWilliam Wyndham, 3rd Baronet

the Wild MargraveKarl Wilhelm Friedrich, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach

Wilhelm of Austria the Ambitious: 

William Pitt, Earl of Chatham Aeolus

Will BigamyWilliam Cowper, 1st Earl Cowper

the Wily: Fernando II of Aragon

the Wily Chancellor: Wenzel Anton Graf Kaunitz 

the Wine-Bountiful: Constantine I of Scotland

the Winter King: Friedrich V of Palatinate

the Winter Queen: Elizabeth of England

Wire-MasterJohn Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute

the Wise Great Mother of the Fatherland: Catherine II of Russia

the Wise Prince: Albert I of Monaco 

the Wise King Robert: Roberto I of Naples 

the Wisest and Best Princes of His Race: Aimone of Savoy

the Wisest Christian of the Last Five Hundred Years: Roberto I of Naples 

James I of England the Wisest Fool in Christendom (by Henri IV of France)

the Wisest Sovereign in Europe: Luiza de Guzman

With the Arrow: Otto IV of Brandenburg

With the Axe: Baudouin VII of Flanders

With the Black Bands, of the Black Bands: Giovanni dalle Bande Nere 

With the Iron Arm: Baudouin I of Flanders

With the Lion: Friedrich V of Nuremberg

With the Pouch Mouth: Margaret Maultasch of Tyrol 

With the Scar: Francois of Guise

With the Thumb (Ger. mit dem Daumen): Ulrich I of Wurttemberg

With Terrible Eyes: Dmitri of Tver

With the Tress: Albrecht III of Austria

Without Counsel: Ethelred the Unready

the Wolf of the Abruzzi: Pandulf IV of Capua

the Wolf of Badenoch: Alexander Stewart, 1st Earl of Buchan

the Wolf of Rimini: Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta

the Wolf-Headed: Vakhtang I of Iberia

the Wolf-King: Muhammad ibn-Sa'd, Ibn-Mardanîsh of Murcia

the Woman I Love: Wallis, Duchess of Windsor

the Woman With the Heart of a Man: Anna Radziwill

Wombat: Henry, Duke of Sussex

the Wonder of the Age: Otto III of the Holy Roman Empire

the Wanderer: Pedro Gonzales de Lara

the Wonderful: Albrecht IV of Austria

Woolly: Elizabeth of Greece & Denmark

the Worst Duke of Slavs: Domagoj of Croatia

the Worthless: Vaclav IV of Bohemia

the Worthy: Leopold III of Austria

the Wrestler: Mehmed I of the Ottoman Empire

the Writer: Albrecht IV of Bavaria

the Wrybeard: Alain II of Brittany

Xenophon of His Own HistoryGeoffroi de Villehardouin

the Yellow: Selim I

the Yellow Selim: Selim I

Yergat (of Iron): Ashot II of Georgia 

Yolande of Acre: Yolande of Jerusalem

Yolande of Brienne: Yolande of Jerusalem

the Youth: Pietro I of Savoy

Yvain de Galles: Owain ap Thomas ap Rhodri 

the Zany of Debate: George Canning

Zhilka: Dmitri I of Halych 

ZimriGeorge Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham

Zog I of Albania
Perhaps the Finest Patriot of them All
A Small-sized, Indolent Oriental Potentate
A Reader of Shakespeare and a Fine Fighting Man
An Homme de Salon of First-rate Intelligence
An Ignorant Mountaineer
Ultimately an Erratic and Treacherous Barbarian
Not at All an Unpleasant Character
A Balkan Product Par Excellence
the Ludicrous Zog
the Saviour of the Nation
the Father of His Country

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